The Living Art

    Gonen High School (Gonen Omer Seyfettin Fen Lisesi)

    The Living Art

    The Art of Living

    The European educational Erasmus+ Programme in a collaboration between Greece, Italy, Poland, UK, and Turkey. After the previous meetings during the last 2 years, it was Turkey's turn to welcome organisers and participants. Getting ARTi with European colleagues, our official partner Double Helix & high school students in Gonen, Turkey  (pictured here) at the final meeting of the Erasmus+ project.

    The main pillar of the programme is the understanding of art and its impact on the lives of people who, discovering the beauty of art, manage to discover the value and meaning of life. The programme attempts to highlight the beauties of everyday life and help people understand the origins of European culture. The actions of the program focus mainly on improving cultural awareness and promoting acceptance, inclusion, and a more open attitude to life through education about European cultural heritage.

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